Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prayer Request for Sheridan Facility 3/12/2010

Hello prayer warriors it was a great time in Sheridan. We talked on the subject of sex and though the lesson itself was good I felt a evening of good fellowship as we also spent some time on spiritual gifts and there was also the blessing of some good news but I’ll let Quincy share that with you in his prayer request.

Quincy – I like to thank Jesus for answering my prayers and for you praying for me. I heard from my family and children – Thank God. I pray that the lord keep watch over my family and children as well as your family and children too. God Bless you

Sean – That God will be my will, that Scott continued to be blessed as a servant of God and that he receive traveling mercies as he does God’s work. That God continue to bless Sheridan Correctional Center and its staff so that we as detainees also b blessed. That God’s spirit live in and protect my mother, father, children, and the rest of my family

James – My name is James, whoever comes in contact with this prayer request please pray for me that I continue to grow day in and day out. I don’t want to waste my life in jail. I want to grow up as a man of God and not as an enemy of God. God bless you from my heart

Michael – please pray for the nation and the country of Chili. That the lord will be with them and bring them out of their problems and trouble and I will and always pray for you with the love and care that the Lord put in my heart.

Truly the news that Quincy heard from his children was a great joy. Thank you on behalf of Quincy for your prayers as I am confident that God heard them and blessed Quincy. Your prayers are working in James too. I have seen over the past few weeks more sincerity in his wanting to be in the class. Remember he at one time chose to stop attending but your prayers for God to work in his heart were answered and he is attending again.

I’m almost in tears as I write this e-mail as I witness these men growing in the Lord and that is through your prayers so I truly am thankful I do ask for your continued prayers for the class as a whole, that the men keep coming. Also I’m trying to make contact with Julie Beethem to arrange for another session in Sheridan. There is no guarantee that we can come back. I’m open to teaching whatever Sheridan feels needs to be taught to these men. Hopefully they will continue to see it being God’s Word. I’m also have three request two from ministry partners (Paul and John) and Miguel a friend the men in the class to join the class and though it is late in the class and I’ve been told no more vacancies can be filled I’m seeking God’s lead on asking Julie if they can join us.

Have a blessed week

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord;

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

Connecting prison ministries and institutions to serve the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated for the Glory of Jesus Christ

U.S. Mail
Soldiers Of Christ Prison Ministries
P.O. Box 671
Cortland, IL 60112-0671

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